Senin, 09 Juli 2012

slimming herbs with Noni

Traditional medicine recipes

Body shape coveted every woman is a slim body shape proporsional.Tidak many women are lucky to have a beautiful body, especially for mothers who give birth out. In general, their bodies stretched. Here is a recipe for slimming safely.
Herbal Prescription: Noni slimming denganh
Noni fruit has a distinctive smell and some people do not like it, but did you know that fruit smells can make a woman's body to be slim, solid and contain?! Consider the following recipe:

1 noni fruit
Bangle 10 grams
7 grams of yellow leaf
Acid 5 grams
Lempuyang 8 grams

How to mix:
All Bahn ground into a fine up to.
After the pulverization, pour water that has been cooked and then squeezed and filtered.

Directions for Use:
Drink this mixture twice a day. Morning and afternoon half a glass of half a glass.
 Good luck!